姓 名:曾乐林
学 科:化学工程与技术
博士期间参与多项重金属废水或有机废水处理、金属矿石选冶及固废资源化利用等科研项目。以第一作者在Chemical Engineering Journal, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research等SCI收录期刊上发表论文4篇,其中两篇发表在化工类国际顶级期刊上。
1. L. Zeng, Y. Zhang, Q. Liu, L. Yang, J. Xiao, X. Liu, Y. Yang, Determination of mass transfer coefficient for continuous removal of cadmium by emulsion liquid membrane in a modified rotating disc contactor, Chemical Engineering Journal, 289 (2016) 452-462. (化工类Top期刊)
2. L. Zeng, L. Yang, Q. Liu, W. Li, Y. Yang, Influences of Axial Mixing of Continuous Phase and Polydispersity of Emulsion Drops on Mass Transfer Performance in a Modified Rotating Disc Contactor for an Emulsion Liquid Membrane System, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54 (2015) 9832-9843. (化工类Top期刊)
3. L. Zeng, Y. Zhang, C. Bukirwa, W. Li, Y. Yang, Study of mean diameter and drop size distribution of emulsion drops in a modified rotating disc contactor for an emulsion liquid membrane system, RSC Advances, 5 (2015) 89959-89970.
4. L. Zeng, W. Wang, W. Chen, C. Bukirwa, Y. Yang, Experimental and modeling of nickel removal from sulfate solutions by emulsion liquid membrane using PC 88A, Desalination and Water Treatment, 57 (2016) 11184-11194.